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E - Safety

At Spittal we recognise that the Internet contains many wonderful apps and games which are ideal for educating our children. We also recognise that the Web poses some dangers to our pupils and therefore take E - safety very seriously.
Our objective at Spittal First School is to make the children aware of the possible dangers on the Internet in a sensitive and age appropriate way. We try and equip the children with some simple E-Safety rules which they can follow and apply both at school and at home.
We use the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) resources which are available on the 'Think U Know' website:
The younger children (KS1) follow Lee and Kim's Adventures' where Sid the Superhero gives them four simple tips to follow whilst online.
Tip 1 - People you don't know are strangers. They're not always who they say they are.
Tip 2 - Be nice to people on the computer like you would in the playground.
Tip 3 - Keep your personal information private.
Tip 4 - If you get that 'uh oh' feeling online you should tell a grown up you trust.
You can view  ' Lee and Kim's Adventures' video online via youtube at:
The older children (KS2) also use 'Lee and Kim's Adventures' supplemented with the Childnet International Resources 'The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew'.The children are taught to follow the SMART rules. A summary of these rules is outlined below.
S - Safe - Keep safe by not giving out personal information when your chatting online. personal information includes: your email, address, phone numbers, photos and passwords.
M - Meet - Meeting someone you have only been in touch with on the Internet is dangerous. So don't do it.
A - Accept - Accepting emails, messages, images, and texts from someone you don't know can ne dangerous so don't do it.
R - Reliable - Someone on the Internet might lie about who they are and some information on the internet may not be true so take great care. It's best only to chat to your real world friends and family.
T - Tell - Tell a parent, carer or trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
You can find the detailed SMART rules as well as the 'The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew' videos at:


The Net Aware site from the NSPCC is another very useful site which gives parents advice and reviews on children's games and apps. It can be found at:
Two other useful resources are the Digiduck on line book for younger children and the Parent factsheet from The UK Safer Internet Centre.
In addition to this #DITTO is a free half-termly (approx every 6 weeks) magazine for schools and parents. The magazine is about keeping you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, commonly called e-safety or online safety, but also with a view to enjoying and learning about technology.
The link to the website is as follows:
Top Tips for Under 11s (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2017/tips-children-and-young-people/top-tips-under-11s)
Top Tips and Advice for Parents & Carers (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2017/tips-and-advice-parents-and-carers)
CEOP Website (http://ceop.police.uk/)
CEOP Facebook Advice (hhtp://www.facebook.com/clickceop)
Think You Know Website (http://www.thinkyouknow.co.uk/)
Teachtoday provides information and advice for parents, teachers, head teachers, governors and other members of the school workforce about the positive, responsible and safe use of new technologies. 
Click here (http://www.teachtoday.de/en/) to view an informative presentation on understanding internet and mobile safety.